India's rural employment guarantee programme MNREGA has been
ranked as the world's largest public works programme, providing social security
net to almost 15 per cent of the country's population, World Bank has said. It
was revealed in recently released World Bank Group’s report titled ‘The State
of Social Safety Nets 2015‘."The world's five largest social safety net
programmes are all in middle-income countries (China, India, South Africa and
Ethiopia) and reach over 526 million people," it added.
Mid-day meal scheme has been classified as biggest school
feeding programme. It benefits around 105 million beneficiaries.
Janani Suraksha Yojna
is top-most social security programme with conditional cash transfers.
It has 78 million beneficiaries.
Indira Gandhi
National Old Age Pension Scheme is the second-largest unconditional cash
transfer social security progamme in the world.
There is need to
improve the efficiency of social safety net programmes such as social and beneficiary
registries by strengthening individual countries capacity to target,
administer, integrate and evaluate social protection programmes.