Water Management and Regulatory Commission Bill 2014 passed by UP Assembly

Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly on 25 February 2014 passed the UP Water Management and Regulatory Commission Bill 2014 by Voice Vote, which will cover the way for the setting up of a body which would suggest ways and means for judicious utilization of water. 
The proposed regulatory body would suggest tariff in favor of use of water for commercial, irrigation and domestic purpose and this body will work below the U.P state government. At present, the bill will be referred to Vidhan Parishad for further way. After passage via the Legislative Assembly and Vidhan Parishad, the Bill will be sent to the governor of the state for signature. The bill was tabled in the Assembly by PWD Minister Shivpal Yadav. as stated by the proposal, the commission will comprise a chairperson and members not exceeding more than five in numbers.

Water Management And Regulatory Bill

On the other hand, BJP's Radha Mohan Das Agarwal, opposed the bill, saying that the provisions contained in it would give unbridled power to the commission. He warned that the proposed commission would create problems in future not only for consumers, but also for the government. Earlier, a commission along the same lines had been constituted in 2008 but was dissolved in 2012 after Samajwadi Party government came in power in the state.
The bill also mentions that for being selected as the chairperson of the commission a person will have to holds a bachelor’s degree and having an experience of administrative tasks of minimum 25 years and must have held the post of the chief secretary of the state government or government of India. The tenure of a chairperson or member has been fixed for two years which will also include reappointment for two consecutive terms. The bill also bares any ex-MLA or MP from being a chairperson or a member of the commission.


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30 April 2014 at 21:59 delete

:) good information about U.P

30 April 2014 at 22:05 delete

Nice Article shared by you

